Insurance of a different color…

I was looking up the telephone number of my insurance agent today for a friend, and instead I just sent him the link to the site. He commented to me that the site was nicely done. I told him I disagreed, that it was a little heavy handed with the pictures of the horses…I mean, do they insure horses? A quick trip back to the site revealed that they, in fact, do underwrite such bizarre items as “mortality coverage,” “stallion infertility,” and “personal equine liability.”

I can just imagine a conversation:

“My horse broke its leg. Is that covered?”

“No? Okay, does that mean the horse is totaled?”

It does now make sense that I used this company when I had my Mustang.

Ladders and Strings

PBS has a great three hour documentary on string theory available for online viewing. I’ve spent the last three nights watching it at my leisure, it’s quite well done in terms of the production value, and I really like the fact that it’s up for anyone to view.

Of course, as interesting as String Theory is, it only unifies the four forces of physics: Gravity, Electro-Magnetism, Weak Nuclear Force and Strong Nuclear Force. It says nothing about the relationship between men and women. For that, we still must use the Ladder Theory.

Finally putting the .com in

I’ve had several requests for people to put my shirt design from Saturday’s game up for sale, so here’s what I’ll do. If you want to make your own (BYOI, I guess you could say, “Bring your own Iron”), click here to download the design as a pdf file, print on your own printer on the special paper, then iron per the instructions. Or, if you like, I can print these out on the special ironing paper and send it to you with the ironing instructions for the low, low cost of fifteen dollars. I don’t really think I’m ready to offer ironing services from my website, I don’t like to iron for myself, let alone someone else.